How to study a project

The basis for the success of any project or contractor
The initial analysis to study the project and project ideas on the ground is its capabilities to compete with others in terms of: location, price, service … as is the case in the first study of all problems and difficulties for the project such as financing, finding a store, service, advertising … and just like studying the chances of project success ( Study the project)
Calculate financial costs
Project cost analysis of the project from the feasibility study / project study the financial project may fail so as not to understand the implications of any activity to know the returns of the project in general
Good combing of the area or geographical area
Market survey
What are the reasons for his success in conducting a risk survey?
Evaluating the targeted geographical areas
A study of population trends, demographic and economic structures, their culture, and their appetite for purchase
Analyze the services that competitors provide to their strengths or weaknesses and monitor pricing and production lines
An introduction to expansion by assessing customer response to new services
Determine the schedule of market changes in consideration, and review the project conditions and the economic situation before implementation


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